Infinite Way Writings

Weekly Passage - for week of 9/7/03

"To us, it is given to understand how to rise above the battle between good and evil, to know how to still the storm, whether at sea or on land, whether a burning fire, an incoming tidal wave, or infection and contagion ravaging the land. To us, it is given to know how to say, 'Thus far, and no farther,' and then to stand still, to retire within ourselves from the noise of the battle, without refuting, denying, or fighting, without ever wielding the sword. It is given to us to know that he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword, and therefore we have put up our sword and will never again take out either a physical or a mental sword -- not even a spiritual sword. In reality, there is no power for us to oppose physically, mentally, or spiritually, so we need no sword. It has been given to us to know that we live and move and have our being in God in whom is no darkness at all, in whom is no warfare. It is given to us to know that the sovereign, divine remedy for all the ills of the world is to resist not evil."

-- from Joel Goldsmith's "The Thunder of Silence"
Chapter 18 - Ye Are the Light

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