Infinite Way Writings

Weekly Passage - for week of 9/21/03

"The Master's statement, 'My kingdom is not of this world,' helps us to discipline ourselves. Instantly we shut out everything that we see or hear, realizing that that is this world, but it is not My kingdom, the Christ-kingdom, the spiritual kingdom; and therefore, we neither love, hate, nor fear it. Think of the discipline involved in refraining from all attempts to change the appearance when we are in the midst of what seems to be a problem for ourselves or another. Think, think of any discordant appearance that you have ever seen, heard, tasted, touched, or smelled; see the discipline that is necessary to refrain from attempting to alter, change, or do something about it; and then be convinced and know, 'My kingdom -- the place where I live, move, and have my being -- is not of this world. Therefore, I have nothing to do about this world except to know that it is not of My kingdom.'"

-- from Joel Goldsmith's "The Contemplative Life"
Chapter 8 - Contemplation Develops the Beholder

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