Infinite Way Writings

Weekly Passage - for week of 11/23/03

"...we cling to a bodily sense of life. In other words, we are afraid of what is going to happen to the body. As a matter of fact, the Bible tells us that unless we lose our life, we shall not find it. In other words, unless we lose that physical sense of life - that life in body - we will not find our spiritual sense of life. We have to lose our material sense of existence, in order to find the incorporeal or spiritual. That does not separate us from our body. It separates us from the false concept of body. You never lose your body, since your body and you are one. Your body is merely your consciousness formed, and you cannot separate consciousness from its form. You will never lose your body. Even though you decide to die some day, you will find that you have not lost your body. It will still be right there with you - right where you are. You will not leave it behind."

-- from Joel Goldsmith's "The Master Speaks" 1950 edition
Chapter 8 - The Healing Ministry

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