Infinite Way Writings

Weekly Passage - for week of 10/12/08

"In the beginning, because of our oneness with God, He incorporated into us His life, His mind, His soul, His Spirit, His substance, His supply, and His infinity. He can add nothing to us now, nor are there any powers on earth to take anything from us as long as we live in the realization that infinity, Grace, and the gift of God are ours by virtue of our relationship to God, that onenesss that was established within in the beginning. When this is revealed to us and perceived by us, we can understand why we must open out a way for 'the imprisoned splendour' to escape. Since infinity is the measure of our supply and since nothing can be added to it, we must begin to pour; we must start the outflow."

-- from Joel Goldsmith's "Beyond Words and Thoughts"
Chapter 8 - The Way of Grace

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